Custom Search

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Okay, well maybe not. But I did get to stay home yesterday, and I probably could have gotten away with it today. Unfortunately, stupid me decided to try to make it in anyway. I had probably 4 close-calls and got stuck behind a tractionless Mustang at 71st and Sheridan who had tried to turn right, but didn't use their momentum to get through. So they were stuck spinning their wheels.

This is where I should have felt sorry for the guy and tried to help.

The guy behind me pulled over to the right as if he would go around. I yelled at his image in my rearview mirror because I thought he was just circumventing the line. Well, he wasn't. He pulled over so he could get out and help push the guy. And the proverbial egg splats on my face. NOW I feel terrible. He gets them free and gets back to his car all before the light turns green again. Great. I AM a jerk.

So I get to work late this morning and it's only me and one other guy. The only guy who was here yesterday. So I'm kicking myself and wishing I had stayed in bed. Then the Sales Motivator, who is from ungodly cold Minnesota where apparently everyone is a blackbelt in driving on snow and ice, shows up for the sales meeting. Awesome.

So we have our meeting and things are tense as usual between Mr. Old-school Sales Motivator, who believes in cold-calling your way through the phone book for 12 hours a day, and the Sales guy, who knows that we can hire a company who is better at it and can cold-call for us for less. Awkward!

Now a few more people show up, but most everyone is still at home. Unfortunately enough people show up that there is no chance of leaving early. This is the point where I let out an internal scream of primal rage and angst. ARRRRGH!


So now I get to enjoy a nice, hot bowl of Cinnamon Roll-flavored Oatmeal and do very little actual work. Oh well, maybe I can get stuck at home for lunch. I doubt it.

Have a nice day!

1 comment:

  1. Oh honey, what a rough day! I'm sorry it's been such a bummer, but I'm proud of you for going in and working hard.
    I love you!
