I have been swamped at the office lately. I haven't had time to blog or anything! I really shouldn't even be blogging right now!
1. The cruise is just a mere month away from tomorrow! Hooray!
2. I bought a Wii for Christa and I to play with after the kids go to sleep in the evenings. Our poor arms are so sore!
3. Season 2 of Burn Notice is over until June. Unfortunately, Season 2 was the season that Christa and I got addicted.
4. Christa and I have been stressing out a lot lately, and it's been affecting our relationship. Lots of button-pushing and back-biting blame to go around for everyone! Fortunately, last weekend was kind of a wake-up call. We were both grumpy all weekend and inaccurate impressions were made that were a bit frightening. As a result, our relationship has had a much-needed boost in romance and healthy communication lately and spirits are high!
5. Community Group will be back up and running this Sunday!
6. This weekend we are going to do something special, but I don't know what. Any suggestions? Last weekend wasn't as fun as it could have been and the next two weekends will be nuts, so now's the time.
7. I don't want to invoke Murphy's wrath here, but I think Caden is officially sleeping through the night consistently!
8. TANSTAAFL, folks. Distrust salesmen, but remember they are people, too. This is based more on general life experience than any particular recent incident.
9. Christa and I are going to go for a walk every day for the next 30 days, starting today, in an effort to lose weight before the cruise. (Between high amounts of stress and low amounts of free time and eating out almost continuously lately, we've put on a few mood-squelching pounds).
10. Men, buy your women some flowers today. Women, reward them for it. ;)
We NEVER fight or push each other's buttons, we NEVER have bad attitudes and ALWAYS have good weekends, we are both SKINNY, and women should NEVER reward their men for flowers.
Does that cover it all honey? :)
CHARLES JASON CLARK!!! My family reads this!
ReplyDeletelol.. it's not such a bad thing to be honest every now and then. I happen to know your family Christa, and I have a feeling that they are furiously praying for you right now, which may have very good far reaching consequences for your marriage. Honesty and lots of prayer goes a long way in a marriage, even if it's coming from other people! (take it from an old married woman.. lol, we're going on 6 years now!)
ReplyDeletespeaking of which, I am now praying for you. Keep your lines of communication very open, and try to do something each day to make the other person smile. it goes a long way!
-Megan (mounger) Eidson